Someplace to save your cold, hard cash. If you haven’t already transferred everything over to credits, this coin bank can come in handy. However, don’t be surprised if it freezes your assets. Hehheh. We said “assets.” $24.99
Circle the dragons. We think this little guy is adorable. He’s so little, his wings haven’t even come in yet! $24.99
Explore the joys of orbital motion as you play with these weighted balls. Just like the ones played with on the ISS! Astrojax are really fun toys. Weighted foam balls on a string, they let you explore and play with orbital motion. Also, you can do cool tricks. Also, they were played with in space. […]
Turn boring office florescent lights into glimpses of the sky. Florescent lights are just about the worst thing in the world – yet all offices are full of them. So, add a few of these diffusers and awesome them up a bit. Clouds or space or both – it’s all up to you. $29.99 – […]
Eddie Brock is a big guy, so just wash it a few times and it should shrink down a bit. Having the Venom Hoodie around the house is useful. Can’t open a pickle jar? Let Venom take over! Having a hard time carrying all those groceries? Venom’s got it covered. Forgot your sweater, and it’s […]
Day planner worthy of a Time Lord. Plan your space-time continuum (at least for 2014) with this day planner. Open up your calendar and start marking your important dates. Each spread shows a full week and includes images from Matt Smith’s Doctor (Series 7). $19.99
Nnnnnneeeeeeeeaaaaaaawwwww. We dig costumes where you get to walk around all night making sound effects. $19.99 – $49.99
Earbuds, you’ve tangled with me for the last time. This is one of those things you don’t know you need, but you don’t know how you lived without it once you have it. Makes it the perfect small gift. $2.99
Monitor your car’s performance with your Android device With just the Kiwi 2 Bluetooth and your phone, you could be monitoring tons of vital data about your car’s performance. Know exactly what that Check Engine light means, keep an eye on your fuel efficiency, and much, much more. $119.99
Spread butter; spread enlightenment This happy reclining buddha is here to remind you that we all need a pat once in a while. But maybe not too frequently, or you’ll end up with a tummy like him. $19.99
Build your own classic catapult with this awesome kit. This is one awesome looking onager. That’s a type of catapult that kicks like a donkey. This one is designed special just for us to offer just to you. $29.99
Say “cheeps!” The Bird Photo Booth allows you to take amazing photographs of birds, but it’d also be great Cat TV. Load the feed from the camera on your iPad and watch kitty’s eyes get beeg while the birds eat safely out of reach. $149.99
Just like Moss, you, too, can have a hot ear. The length of Batman’s ears on his cowl differs between artists (and movie versions), so whether or not this cuff would work on his cowl’s ears depends on which Batman you’re dealing with. $14.99
Because understated is overrated. Your jewelry needs at least one statement piece. A piece that personifies you and also gives you confidence on days when you need it. This is that piece. $74.99
Bleep bloop bleeeeeep There’s an R2-D2 translator website, but the text that comes out is so full of special characters that we’re pretty sure would bork our site. So, uh, how about you just Google it and have fun? Okay? Okay! $69.99
All Too Easy Stick the best lightsaber battle evar on your chest. $19.99 – $20.99
Best 7 years of your life! It may be hard to believe when you’re deep in study for a test in Potions or Ancient Runes, but you’ll look back on this time as the best seven years of your life. $19.99 – $20.99
Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep. The sweater that your grandma knits for you each holiday is pretty disgusting, but this sweater really resets the bar. $99.99
Never blow out a jack o’lantern on Halloween. What are your own Halloween traditions? Maybe you can’t share what your costume is before you wear it. Or maybe you can’t break character. Or maybe you have to spread out your candy haul and categorize it before you eat it (even as an adult). $24.99
Deploy finger guns in 3… 2… 1… Is it just us or does it seems weird that you can wear a Psycho bandit’s face since that’s exactly what he wants to do with yours? $29.99